757 Pumpkin Carving Contest
757 Furs of Virginia is starting a brand new fall event! We're hosting a Pumpkin Carving Contest for the whole month of October!
Start Date - October 1st
End Date - 30th
A vote for the final best 3-5 will be posted October 31st for public voting!
Rules for contest!
* 1 pumpkin submitted at most for the contest
* pumpkin must have been carved in the year 2022 and carved by the user submitted. PHOTO WITH A PAPER TIMESTAMP AND YOUR NAME WRITTEN REQUIRED!
* Do Not Steal a pumpkin carving photo from someone else or someone online.
* You are welcome to submit a carve with any image as long as it's sfw. Furry or Halloween themed prefered but carve what makes you happy!
*pumpkins can be carved or painted. It can even be another fruit/vegetable as long as it resembles the pumpkin spirit. (Pinnapple, watermelon, etc)
* To reiterate no nsfw imagery or words that would be offensive. This is an all ages contest
*Staff of 757 furs cannot enter the contest
Your pumpkin will be featured as the fall icon for the 757 Furs facebook and telegram group till December 1st and October of 2023
A free ticket to Nekocon 2022!